Friday, 14 January 2011

Art Fashion Identity

This is one exhibition I am not going to miss...!
Here are some pictures from the Aware: Art Fashion Identity Exhibition which is being shown currently at the Royal Academy of Arts until 30th January. 

           The hats look amazing,,,, the large knitted style fits perfectly into the project of which I am currently doing..... sooo, i will *definitely* be spending some time studying them and doing some *drawing from observation*
As soon as I get the chance to go and check it out, I will write a little review on what I thought of it! :)

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Round Midnight

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I came across this wonderful artist while exploring different ways of which I could decorative printed images and photographs and turn them into art; in ways of which would allow me to emphasise the imagery in a specific way. 
As a result I came across Maurizio Anzeri an Italian artist who lives and works in London, in order to create his pieces he embroiders directly onto found vintage photographs using fine threads in a very specific, thought out manner. 
He allows his embroidery to further the meaning of the photographs and in some cases convey the emotions and feelings of the person captured.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

A guilty conscience needs to confess. A work of art is a confession. Albert Camus

Your daily  creative douse today is >>>>>> Robert Kushner
              He is a painter and sculptor, and has created these *amazing* layered, floral prints. Enjoy : - )


Wednesday, 5 January 2011

All art is autobiographical. The pearl is the oyster's autobiography. Federico Fellini

Once again today I am going to share with you the work from yet another artist who is appearing at the Stolen Space exhibition I mentioned in my last entry, the artist I am going to introduce you to today is Alexander Korzer Robinson. His works are so *charming* ...................

On his website he explains how these beautiful pieces are made alongside the very interesting meaning and purpose they all behold. definitely worth a look!

As for myself I am going to grab a illustrated copy of one of my favorite books and make one also, I'm sure they wont has a patch on the visual impact of the ones I have shown, but I am just so curious......*

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Great artists suffer for the people. Marvin Gaye

Happy New Year! I have decided that one of my New Years resolutions will be to keep and maintain this blog which I have created! Its hard for me to do something which i feel hasn't got much of a point or will benefit anybody in anyway. But the aim I have decided of my blog is to inspire and educate my followers; I aim to everyday to update my blog with something that has inspired me during that day! In the hope that what has inspired my will also inspire *YOU*, which for me will be an amazing benefit!So,,,,,,, he goes! Today while surfing the net (as you do) i came across this extremely interesting exhibition, which I now am hoping to be able to go and check out! <<<<< Here is a link so you can check it out yourself! 
The gallery is called the STOLENSPACE GALLERY and is located in the fabulous......... *Brick Lane*
While exlopring the website i came across many interesting artists,,,,,, which i am sure you will also love! 
My favorite artist has to be Dave Kinsley >>>>>

I think his work is visually pleasing yet each image carries something quite hostile for example the covered eyes and bit lip which just make the images quite irresistible,,,,,!