Saturday, 26 February 2011

"Because I’m obsessed with magazines."

Beatrice Boyle.
'It was at the end of year exhibition in the Royal Academy that Simon Burstein noticed the raw and expressive large scale art works of the London College of Fashion illustration graduate Beatrice Boyle. Working very organically, deconstructing to create something new, Boyle creates exhibition in the Royal Academy that Simon Burstein  that are printed upon her wares.'    


Friday, 25 February 2011

Iris Schieferstein: Taxidermy Art

I am a firm lover of taxidermy. There's something incredibly hostile about it that really attracts me, as a result I have decided to rework this post slightly. It is currently the most popular blog post I have done to date! So I thought it possibly deserved a bit of love as looking back it was possibly also the one of which I used least effort. Hence the prior minimal amount of text,,,,,,

I am still in love with these. If these were wearable and available to buy, it would make me very happy.
(although a purchase is doubtful, for a reason you will see below :-| £$£ )
They are incredibly controversial. And incredibly amazing. 
I think the heal is incredible, taxidermy and a gun. A match made in heaven. 

These make me think of Iris as a bit of a Banksy of the taxidermy world.

This is an extract from an recent article by The Daily Mail 

'This bizarre range of shoes may make the owner feel like they have one foot in the grave.
Crafted from dead animals, Iris Schieferstein's outlandish designs fetch up to £3,900 and have proved a hit with extreme dressers such as Lady Gaga.
Some of the most controversial pieces include a pair of sandals sporting stuffed doves with their wings spread wide and a collection of heels fashioned from hollow horse hooves.'

Here's a new picture taken form The Daily Mails Website

'Describing her inspiration Ms Schieferstein added: 'I love horses and I love shoes so I thought this would be perfect.

'Horses have a beautiful walk and I wanted to recreate that with my footwear.'
The footwear has been displayed at numerous exhibitions around the world and have even inspired a range from Dolce & Gabanna.
Despite the high price tag the footwear can only be worn for several hours at a time before becoming too uncomfortable.
Ms Schieferstein said: 'As yet no company has been willing to produce them for the high street.'

Here is a picture of them actually being worn! exciting,,,,,,

and the rest of the photos from the original post ,,,

'The German government once tried to put the artist in jail for her taxidermy art but, as she explains, her work gives life and reanimation to the creatures she uses.'
Check it out here.....

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Thursday, 24 February 2011

Fred Loves Fashion

16 – 27 February 2011

Eight designers have each been invited to make an installation in the
gallery. Rather than this simply being a display from the participant’s
recent and future collections, this is an opportunity for the selected
designers to show how they think, and how they work. The work included
ranges from the sculptural to the radical, the photographic to the wearable.

Expect displays of clothes, art-works, images, drawings, visual references and accessories, all linked by a dynamic creative spirit, free and alternative thinking and a grand sense of style.

Contributing Designers/Artists:
A Child of the Jago
Bernstock Speirs
Andrea Cammarosano
Sian Hoffman
Kenny Campbell with Nelson Santos
Factoria Rent Me
Omar Kashoura'

I personally have never heard of this Gallery in Bethnal Green before but I came across this exhibition and it sounds quite interesting!

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

These Works are by an artist called David Bray who is currently exhibiting his work at the Stolenspace Gallery in Brick Lane.................. If your around,,,,,,, * Check it out!!!! * 

Friday, 11 February 2011

Today I visited the Royal Academy of Arts in order to view a current exhibition by Eileen Cooper who is in-fact the Head of Print making at the RA Schools. She is exhibiting a number of previously unseen prints of which she has created using paint, fragments of drawings, linocut prints and Japanese papers. 
They are rather experimental but are also very interesting and definitely I think worth a look! 

Thursday, 3 February 2011

The Green Stocking.

If you havent already quickly recognised the explicitly iconic style of Egon Schieles drawings, then youd be one in a small minority.
Theres a new exhibition starting on the 7th of feb at the new Richard Nagy Gallery on Old Bond Street, showcasing a exhibition of 45 sketches and watercolours by Schiele of which have been previously unseen in the UK.
The opportunity to go and see some of these works is one that shouldn't be missed!!
The way Schiele deals with the human form is so unique and individual. 
These drawings are * irresistible*