Hi all, this evening browsing through some design websites I came across the graduate collection of Manon Kündig. I am pretty sure I have seen the first image at least once before, but when I saw the rest on her portfolio at Not Just a Label I couldn't help but share them on my blog.
Being a textile student, I also like to use my blog as a kind of bank to store any interesting things that I might like to use in the future. These prints are incredible, and I am sure that they will make it into one of my sketchbooks as an inspiration point at some time!
The prints are made up of some interesting contradictory imagery and I love all the different colours and texture.
This is what Wallpaper said, "In naming her debut collection 'Bowerbird', Manon Kündig acknowledges
the preliminary hunting and gathering that her designs require. Using
online image resources, she created digital prints that resemble vibrant
Rorschach tests. Blending seemingly random bits and pieces - a flower
here, a cat there - Kundig's menswear label blurs the line between
androgyny and other-worldly. Cropped tailored trousers, unstructured
jackets and silk scarves adorned with faux fur, sequins, synthetics and
lace create a mix of textures, colours and images that allure and