Original Post:
So what exactly is it that makes the sticker so alluring to the creative
type? You see an influx of creative’s in a specific area, because of
cheap rent and large spaces or whatever it may be, and you will
inevitably see the clean street signs alongside pretty much any flat
surface, become collaged with a myriad of adhesive backed printed paper
and vinyl.
Street stickers have obviously been around for way longer than I have
even been alive, so I’m not going to sit here for starters and claim to
be some kind of sticker bombing assassin, but more just explore the idea
a little and look into how it all started and how it developed. I find
it quite interesting and hopefully at least one other person who is
remotely interested in street art, skate culture or design will too!

So I’m going to begin with Shepard Fairey. It seems that almost
everybody on the planet is aware of Shepard’s work, even if they don’t
know about the whole Andre the Giant revolution they would definitely
recognise the Obey logo. Shepard explained in his book ‘Supply &
Demand’ that as a youngster with an interest in punk rock and
skateboarding he found the occasional sticker sighting as ‘an
encouraging sign that there were more dedicated proponents of punk and
skate culture lurking in the city. Stickers were a sign that I wasn’t
living in a total void. I wanted stickers as badges of my culture.’

Stickers can give you a feeling of belonging and allow you to share
or even force your interests and the type of stuff that you like onto
other people, especially in aspects to graphics related to punk rock and
skate culture, which is something that is still not completely socially
acceptable, even though it is becoming a lot more commercial.
Plastering the front of your shiny new nondescript branded laptop or
whatever personal effects with an awesome collage of stickers suddenly
differentiates your stuff from all the millions of people who have that
exact same one, it also looks totally awesome and makes you feel pretty
cool, individual and slightly rebellious.
Going back to the Obey stickers here is Shepard fairey’s Obey ‘manifesto’.
Have a read, its really interesting stuff.
A nonsensical visual pleasure or an underground cult? I urge you to go
buy Shepard’s book, or do a good bit of research on the internet (theres
a number of really interesting documentary’s about Shepards work)
because theres so much more interesting stuff in relation to Obey that I
can’t even begin to cover in one blog post and then you can make up
your own mind!
“The OBEY sticker campaign can be explained as an experiment in
Phenomenology. Heidegger describes Phenomenology as “the process of
letting things manifest themselves.” Phenomenology attempts to enable
people to see clearly something that is right before their eyes but
obscured; things that are so taken for granted that they are muted by
abstract observation.
The FIRST AIM OF PHENOMENOLOGY is to reawaken a sense of wonder about
one’s environment. The OBEY sticker attempts to stimulate curiosity and
bring people to question both the sticker and their relationship with
their surroundings. Because people are not used to seeing advertisements
or propaganda for which the product or motive is not obvious, frequent
and novel encounters with the sticker provoke thought and possible
frustration, nevertheless revitalizing the viewer’s perception and
attention to detail. The sticker has no meaning but exists only to cause
people to react, to contemplate and search for meaning in the sticker.
Because OBEY has no actual meaning, the various reactions and
interpretations of those who view it reflect their personality and the
nature of their sensibilities.
Many people who are familiar with the sticker find the image itself
amusing, recognizing it as nonsensical, and are able to derive
straightforward visual pleasure without burdening themselves with an
explanation. The PARANOID OR CONSERVATIVE VIEWER however may be confused
by the sticker’s persistent presence and condemn it as an underground
cult with subversive intentions. Many stickers have been peeled down by
people who were annoyed by them, considering them an eye sore and an act
of petty vandalism, which is ironic considering the number of
commercial graphic images everyone in American society is assaulted with
Another phenomenon the sticker has brought to light is the trendy and
CONSPICUOUSLY CONSUMPTIVE nature of many members of society. For those
who have been surrounded by the sticker, its familiarity and cultural
resonance is comforting and owning a sticker provides a souvenir or
keepsake, a memento. People have often demanded the sticker merely
because they have seen it everywhere and possessing a sticker provides a
sense of belonging. The Giant sticker seems mostly to be embraced by
those who are (or at least want to seem to be) rebellious. Even though
these people may not know the meaning of the sticker, they enjoy its
slightly disruptive underground quality and wish to contribute to the
furthering of its humorous and absurd presence which seems to somehow be
antiestablishment/societal convention. Giant stickers are both embraced
and rejected, the reason behind which, upon examination reflects the
psyche of the viewer. Whether the reaction be positive or negative, the
stickers existence is worthy as long as it causes people to consider the
details and meanings of their surroundings. In the name of fun and
Shepard Fairey, 1990,
WWW.OBEYGIANT.COM (go check it out!)
All images used are Copyright© 1989 - 2014. All Rights Reserved by OBEY GIANT.